Home Social Service Projects
Social Service Integrated Capacity Building

From: 2012
Beneficiary scope: Sichang, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and other 6 provinces
Beneficiaries: more than 240
Introduction: CCC&TSPM organized social service integrated capacity building training every year in different province, and invited pastoral staffs attended the training. We also provided some funding to support applications of small-scaled programs, so as to motivated churches to serve for the needs in the local areas.

Project Details

It is urgent for the pastoral staffs who want to be “good stewards of the Lord” to think about how to promote their social service knowledge and skills, since the social problems are becoming more and more diversified and complicated.


CCC&TSPM launched the long-term project of social service capacity training in this connection.The training takes the province as the unit, and the trainees are the main heads of the local grassroots churches, related institutions and the social service workers in the province. The annual training is carried out in two stages, with the themes of ideology and practical ability. Through training, trainees can make up for the field of knowledge and skills, broaden their horizons, and return to the church with a broader idea to carry out church management and social service work.


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Dedication payment
Dedication statement:
Alipay direct transfers: offering@ccctspm.org, Chinese Christian association.