Ephesians 2:10
For we are what he has made us, what God to us is what artisanship to artisans.
He creates a spectacular scene with spledid mountains and seas, with the moon rising at nights and glowing sunrise at dawns, while what he loves us more and eyes on where we reside to show his great work. The world long honors and remembers His great designs, while he is more willing to mold and shape each of us.
Generations and generations of Apostle are all God's splendid work. As for me, He treats me as His one and the only well-designed masterpiece, with so much dedication and efforts.
In our eyes, somtimes His work stops, but the truth is He is contemplating and waiting. He looks forward to us with a greater anticipation than strings as we might be willing to response to Him and react with a beautiful tune after He calls us with a musical signal.