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Churches in Jilin Province Hold Thanksgiving Services during the Harvest Season
2018-12-03 Source: this site

Recently, churches in Jilin Province held Autumn Harvest Thanksgiving service in various colorful forms to express their gratitude toward the grace of God. Brothers and sisters offered fruits and crops to give thanks to God’s blessing.

The choir and youth fellowship from West Wuma Road Church in Changchun sang and danced to praise the Lord.

Wearing traditional ethnic clothes, church members of Korean ethnicity (one of the 56 ethnic groups in China) from Shenhua Church in Yanji came to the service to worship God. 


Church in Changchun prepared a birthday cake with the words “Jehovah's Blessings Abound” to express their thanksgiving to God. Brothers and sisters gathered together to share and embrace the grace of God.

Fumin Church in Meihekou performed a traditional dance to give thanks to God.

Rev. Wang Daiyu from Dunhua church gave a prayer of thanksgiving for the church members.


Jinqian Church in Changchun offered fruits and crops for the Autumn Harvest Thanksgiving Service.

The Korea ethnicity elderly from Xin'an Church in Antu County, Yanbian gave praise to the Thanksgiving.

The Korea ethnicity borthers from Songlin Church in Tumen played a Thanksgiving hymn with a flute (a traditional Chinese musical instrument).