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Hangzhou CC&TSPM Holds Choir Exchange and Ordains New Clergy
2022-12-05 Source: this site
On the evening of November 16, 2022, Hangzhou CC&TSPM organized a choir exchange of sacred music with Chinese features and an ordination ceremony in Gulou Church, Zhejiang Province. Nine choirs from churches in districts of Hangzhou City performed hymns. An assembly of over a hundred representatives and believers bore witness to the ordination service.

The choir exchange was divided into two parts. Each church choir sang two hymns with Chinese characteristics, and the ordination service was conducted in the middle of the choir performances.

Holy choirs from Sicheng Church, Banshan Church and Gulou Church, as well as Enyou Choir from Chongyi Church participated in the first part of the exchange. Other five choirs from Tianshui Church, Rock Church, Gongchen Church, Jianqiao Church and the Northern City Church then gave performances as the second part of the show.

Rev. Pan Xingwang officiated at the ordination ceremony. Rev. Zhang Yaofa, who read the Scripture, was responsible for the presentation and questioning of candidates. The ordination group consisting of Rev. Pan Xingwang, Rev. Lou Shibo and Rev. Zhang Yaofa, performed the laying on of hands for seven candidates. 

Su Yirui, Chen Jianjun and Zhao Yongfei (female) were ordained as pastors; Xu Jianguo, Pan Jia’en, Chen Hongqiang and Wang Chunying (female) were ordained as elders. The newly ordained were conferred with stoles, certificates and Bibles.

Translated and edited by Bei Sang.