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New Ministers Ordained in Shangdong, Fujian and Gansu
2024-05-15 Source: this site

On March 31, 2024, Shandong CC&TSPM held an ordination ceremony at the affiliated Central Church in the City of Linyi.

Twenty-five were ordained as pastors, including Jiang Dede, Guo Yongxin, Shao Sisi (female), Meng Fanyan (female), Guo Shengjie, Wang Guangyu (female), Sun Hui (female), Jin Yanli (female), Wang Yulei, Ren Tianxiu (female), Wang Desheng, Sun Xiuhua (female), Zhao Xinsheng, Du Jiaqi, Zhao Qiaolin (female), Wang Shijuan (female), Zhao Jie, Ma Zhaohong, Zhou Guangtian, Liu Jie (female), Liu Zongchang, Liu Qingyong, Xu Zhenfang (female), Dong Liwei, and Liu Gangshan; and eight people, including Yang Chao, Li Yuanliang, Guo Jingang, Wang Xiuping (female), Zhao Yong, Xin Fuqin (female), Zhang Guimiao (female), and Zhao Lixia (female), were ordained as elders. The new ministers were presented with Bibles and stoles.

On April 16, Fujian CC&TSPM held an ordination ceremony at the Fushen Church of Fujian Theological Seminary. Nineteen fellow workers were ordained as pastors.

Those ordained to the ministers were Nian Xiaoliang, Yu Meiyun (female), Huang Jianfang (female), Yu Lingqiong (female), Yang Ping (female), Shi Xuefang (female), Huang Saidan (female), Huang Jiejun (female), Li Baozhong, Zheng Meizhen (female), Lai Jicheng, Chen Xiao’en, Xie Guixiang, Bao Qiuyan (female), Lai Xinyou, Fang Xinzhu (female), Wang Huoshou, Gao Cunqing, and Zhou Yuhang.

On April 21, Gansu CC&TSPM held an ordination ceremony at Panjiawan Church in Longnan City. The ordination ceremony was presided over by Rev. Kou Jianguo, Vice President and General Secretary of Gansu CC. Li Kai was ordained as a pastor, and four fellow workers, including Zhang Zhong, Gong Yiluo, Zhang Zhongxian and Cheng Jincai, were ordained as elders.

Elder Mu Ganglang, President of Gansu CC, cited Acts 20:28 and Philippians 3:12 to deliver a sermon entitled “To Strain Every Nerve with Prudence”. Rev. Kou Xiaodong, Chairperson of Gansu TSPM, who had conversations with the candidates before the ordination ceremony, questioned them to affirm their ordination vows, giving heartfelt encouragement. On behalf of the church, Rev. Sun Bin, Director of Longnan TSPM, welcomed the newly ordained ministers and presented them with flowers for encouragement.

Translator & editor: Bei Feng