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Church Dedication Ceremony Conducted in Yichang Church, Hubei Province
2024-06-04 Source: this site

On May 15, 2024, Yichang Church held a dedication ceremony in Yichang City, Hubei Province. It was attended by fellow workers and believers from all parts of the country. The dedication ceremony consisted of a thanksgiving service and a thanksgiving celebration.


Rev. Lan Peng, Secretary General and General Secretary of Yichang CC&TSPM presided over the thanksgiving service. Rev. Yang Junzhi, Chairperson of Yichang TSPM, led the prayer. Rev. Ma Konghua, Vice Chairperson of Yichang TSPM, read the Scriptures. Rev. Mao Yajun, Chairperson and President of Tianjin CC&TSPM, shared a message on the glorious church.


The Thanksgiving Celebration was presided over by Rev. Guo Sheng, President of Yichang CC. Senior Pastor Rev. Cui Sufang gave a welcome speech, and Rev. Xu Chengxiang from Huangshi Church delivered a speech on behalf of other churches.


Rev. Zhu Zhiguo, Chairperson of Hubei TSPM and President of Zhongnan Theological Seminary, gave a speech. Rev. Zhu reviewed the thanksgiving testimonies of Gods leading the healthy development of the Christianity in Yichang City, and then led the pastors present to offer a dedication prayer. After the dedication ceremony, church choirs presented dances and hymns with gratefulness.


Translator & editor: Bei Feng