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Chinese Christian Delegation Visits US
2024-09-20 Source: this site

From August 26 to September 4, 2024 (China Standard Time), an 18-member Chinese Christian delegation, led by Rev. Wu Wei, President of CCC and Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, visited the US. They attended the 2024 China-US Christian Forum, co-hosted by CCC&TSPM and the Asia Pacific Forum, an organization composed of leaders of the Asian Office of main Christian denominations in the US, Canada and Australia. The delegation also visited seminaries, churches and church organizations in Chicago, Charlotte, and Atlanta.

After arriving in Chicago, the delegates first went to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Luke, where they learned about the ministries of Saint Luke Church of different age groups and shared the unity in the post-denominational church and the policies on freedom of religious belief in China.

From August 28 to 29, the 2024 China-US Christian Forum took place at the headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, attended by more than 40 representatives from main Christian denominations in the US. The theme of the forum was “Opportunities and Challenges for Christianity in the Post-Pandemic.

Following the forum, the delegation visited the Catholic Theological Union (CTU), the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC), and the McCormick Theological Seminary (MTS), the three of which shared the same campus building. The delegates had a meeting with the seminarians and seminary teachers of the LSTC.

From August 30 to September 1 (UTC-4), the delegation visited the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Billy Graham Library, and Billy Graham Research Center during their stay in Charlotte.

At the banquet, Rev. Wu Wei reviewed the friendship between the Church in China and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and extended gratitude for their hospitality.

On August 31, the delegation joined in the China Ministry Forum with more than 50 American counterparts, which was organized by the Outreach Foundation at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Charlotte.

Rev. Wu Wei gave an opening remark and referred that the world knew little about Chinese churches despite the numerous discussions. Its ongoing efforts is to promote Chinanization of Christianity, hoping to achieve Christianity of China rather than Christianity in China.

In her keynote speech, Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong, Vice President and General Secretary of CCC, vividly presented the basic situation of the Church in China to the attendees. She also shared the Chinanization of sacred music and church buildings as a response to their questions.

Rev. Xu Yulan, Vice Chairperson of National TSPM and Chairperson of Shanghai TSPM, talked about the responsive measures taken by the Church in China, especially churches in Shanghai, in combating the post-pandemic challenges. Rev. Pan Xingwang, Vice President of CCC and Chairperson of Zhejiang TSPM, illustrated the theological education and talent cultivation of the Church in China. Ms. Zheng Wei, Assistant General Secretary of the Amity Foundation, introduced the main ministries of Amity Foundation. With witty words, Prof. Meng Zhenhua, Director of the Institute for Jewish and Israel Studies of the Nanjing University, gave an overview of current Christian studies in China.

During the discussion, several American pastors reminisced about their long-standing friendship with China and the Church in China. One of them said that the culture of individualism led to the co-existence of various denominations in the US. The pastor expressed the hope that the Church in China could pray for the unity of churches in the US.

Rev. Geng Weizhong, Residential Vice President of CCC, gave the closing remark titled “In Christ Alone”. The message was divided into four parts, “Take Root and Build up”, “Grow Healthily”, “Contact One Another”, and “Renew Mind”, which resonated with the audience.

On September 1, some delegates attended and shared at the Westminster Presbyterian Church’s adult Sunday school. They told their stories of being called as servants, introduced the seminaries they were working for or studying at, and responded to the questions from the audience.

During the Sunday service, Rev. Wu Wei was invited to deliver a speech, noting that the common faith allowed people from different backgrounds to understand, respect, communicate and help one another. Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong then officiated the Holy Communion.

From September 1 to 2, the delegation visited the Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church and the Foundation for Theological Education in Asia and the Pacific (FTEAP) in Atlanta. Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, who attended virtually, together with General Secretary Roland Fernandes and other staff welcomed the delegation. The two sides respectively introduced the recent ministries of their churches or organizations, stressing the importance of interactions between each other.

Rev. Dr. David Esterline, Chair of the FTEAP, welcomed the delegation of the Church in China. Executive Director Rev. Dr. Wati Longchar presented the ministries of the FTEAP. The delegation expressed the willingness to continue the friendly interaction and cooperation, while reiterating the the One China Principle.

On September 3, the delegation left from Atlanta to round off the visit that marked the first official visit of CCC&TSPM to the US since 2016.

Translator & editor: Bei Feng