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CCC&TSPM Receives Delegation from Chinese Baptist Press (International) Limited
2024-05-11 Source: this site

On April 23, 2024, Rev. Tong Wing Mun, President of the Chinese Baptist Press (International) Limited (CBP), Mr. Yeung Fan Shing, Chair of CBPs Board of Directors, and 14 other colleagues visited CCC&TSPM. Rev. Xu Xiaohong, Chairperson of National TSPM, Rev. Geng Weizhong, Residential Vice President of CCC, and others received the delegation. The two sides exchanged views on the publishing ministry.

On behalf of CCC&TSPM, Rev. Xu Xiaohong welcomed the visit of CBP delegates. Rev. Xu noted that the churches in the mainland of China and Hong Kong have always maintained friendly interactions. Last year CCC&TSPM held a seminar on Chinanization of Christianity in China, which further deepened the dialogue between the churches in the two places. He hoped that the CBPs visit could facilitate the friendly communication and cooperation between the two sides.

President of CBP Yeung Fan Shing expressed his gratitude for the reception. Rev. Tong Wing Mun, who had once visited the churches in the mainland of China as the president of the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong (BCHK), said that as the president of CBP he was delighted to lead the delegation to visit CCC&TSPM. Ms. Lam Yeung Ling, General Manager of CBP, introduced CBPs history and the current focus of its publishing programs.

Rev. Geng Weizhong elaborated on the publishing ministry of CCC&TSPM, saying that higher quality books are needed in the future to ensure the Church in China can go deep into the soil of excellent Chinese traditional culture.

Afterwards, the two sides expressed the willingness to deepen exchange and cooperation in the future publishing ministry.

Translator & editor: Bei Feng