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CCC&TSPM Receives UBS Delegates
2024-09-25 Source: this site

On 11 September 2024, a delegation of eight, consisting of Rev. Dirk Gevers, Secretary General of the United Bible Societies (UBS), and several UBS Asian leaders, visited CCC&TSPM. They were received by Rev. Xu Xiaohong, Chairperson of National TSPM, Rev. Shan Weixiang, Residential Vice Chairperson of National TSPM, Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong, Vice President and General Secretary of CCC, and Rev. Geng Weizhong, Residential Vice President of CCC. The meeting was moderated by Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong.

Rev. Xu Xiaohong extended a warm welcome to the UBS delegation. Rev. Xu recalled the deep friendship between the two sides over the past four decades and expressed gratitude for UBSs support for Bible ministries in Chinese churches. Rev. Xu then provided an overview of the current situation of the Church in China, with particular emphasis on the ongoing work of Chinanization of Christianity, church governance in accordance with the law, talent training, and the efforts of the Bible Ministry Commission of CCC&TSPM.

Rev. Dirk Gevers said that the UBS would continue its steadfast support for Bible ministries in China, as well as for the Chinanization of Christianity. Rev. Gevers highlighted that UBS plans to deepen its understanding of Chinas laws, regulations, and national context to ensure its projects in China comply with Chinese legal requirements. Rev. Gevers also hoped that both sides could enhance communication and mutual understanding, enabling the UBS to better serve Chinese churches.

Leaders from Asian Bible Societies shared insights regarding the situation and concerns in their countries with the leaders of CCC&TSPM. Rev. Shan Weixiang, Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong, and Rev. Geng Weizhong respectively responded to the questions raised by the delegation.

Following the meeting, the delegation visited the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Ms. Gu Jingqin, Interim Chief of Overseas Relations Department of CCC&TSPM, participated in the reception.

Translator & editor: Bei Feng