What is rebirth?
Rebirth means “being born again”, “new birth” or in a more important sense, “being born from above”, means, born of God, born of the Holy Spirit.
It also means obtaining eternal life through faith in Christ Jesus, and sharing in the life of God (cf. John 3:3-15).
What is rebirth?
Rebirth means “being born again”, “new birth” or in a more important sense, “being born from above”, means, born of God, born of the Holy Spirit.
It also means obtaining eternal life through faith in Christ Jesus, and sharing in the life of God (cf. John 3:3-15).
Why dose a believer still have to confess his sins and repent?
Because no person is “perfect”. All have failures and shortcomings of one sort or another.
We have to confess our sins and repent before God.
The Bible tells us, “If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:8-9).
Why dose a believer still have to confess his sins and repent?
Because no person is “perfect”. All have failures and shortcomings of one sort or another.
We have to confess our sins and repent before God.
The Bible tells us, “If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:8-9).
Since a person is saved by grace, through faith, why is it necessary to “Work out our own salvation”?
We obtain redemption and are justified before God entirely by His free grace.
However, we must still rely upon the Holy Spirit to do our utmost in performing our duties, and we must seek to purify ourselves.
This is working out our own salvation (cf. II Corinthians 7:1; Philippians 2:12-13; I John 3:3).
Since a person is saved by grace, through faith, why is it necessary to “Work out our own salvation”?
We obtain redemption and are justified before God entirely by His free grace.
However, we must still rely upon the Holy Spirit to do our utmost in performing our duties, and we must seek to purify ourselves.
This is working out our own salvation (cf. II Corinthians 7:1; Philippians 2:12-13; I John 3:3).
What is meant by being saved? How can one be saved?
Being saved is accepting and receiving God’s redemption, God’s salvation, which means casting off sin, being saved from sin (cf. Matthew 1:21).
Salvation is based on grace and is through faith (cf. Ephesians 2:8).
What is meant by being saved? How can one be saved?
Being saved is accepting and receiving God’s redemption, God’s salvation, which means casting off sin, being saved from sin (cf. Matthew 1:21).
Salvation is based on grace and is through faith (cf. Ephesians 2:8).
What does “A man is justified by deeds, and not by faith alone” mean in the book of James?
This is not a contradiction, for true faith must be expressed in behavior.
For faith without deeds is dead. Genuine faith acts alongside behavior, and is only made perfect through actions (cf. James 2:17, 21-26).
What does “A man is justified by deeds, and not by faith alone” mean in the book of James?
This is not a contradiction, for true faith must be expressed in behavior.
For faith without deeds is dead. Genuine faith acts alongside behavior, and is only made perfect through actions (cf. James 2:17, 21-26).
How can anyone be justified?
“A man is justified by faith”, not by the method of gaining merit, nor by relying on observing the regulations of the Jewish law, but being justified freely by God’s grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (cf. Romans 3:23-28).
For the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, is given to all those who believe (cf. Romans 3:22).
But this is not to say that the Law is discarded, only that justification is not dependent on observing the Law.
The Bible says, “Do we then make the Law ineffectual through faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the Law” (Romans 3:31).
The Lord Jesus said, “I came not to destroy but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17). And He set forth still higher demands regarding the observance of the Law (cf. Matthew 5:20-48).
How can anyone be justified?
“A man is justified by faith”, not by the method of gaining merit, nor by relying on observing the regulations of the Jewish law, but being justified freely by God’s grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (cf. Romans 3:23-28).
For the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, is given to all those who believe (cf. Romans 3:22).
But this is not to say that the Law is discarded, only that justification is not dependent on observing the Law.
The Bible says, “Do we then make the Law ineffectual through faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the Law” (Romans 3:31).
The Lord Jesus said, “I came not to destroy but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17). And He set forth still higher demands regarding the observance of the Law (cf. Matthew 5:20-48).
What is meant by justification?
Justification means being accounted as righteous.
A sinner who is in Christ Jesus is no longer regarded by God as a sinner (cf. Romans 4:22-25).
His sins have been forgiven. He is reconciled with God, and has received salvation (cf. Romans 4:7, 5:1).
What is meant by justification?
Justification means being accounted as righteous.
A sinner who is in Christ Jesus is no longer regarded by God as a sinner (cf. Romans 4:22-25).
His sins have been forgiven. He is reconciled with God, and has received salvation (cf. Romans 4:7, 5:1).
Why did Christ Jesus undergo death and shed His blood?
While we were still sinners, still far from God, and were His enemies, Christ Jesus died for us, so revealing God’s love and enabling us to be reconciled to God through His death (cf. Romans 5:8-11).
God made Him who was without sin to become sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
In Christ He was reconciling people to Himself, not holding against them an account of their misdeeds (cf. II Corinthians 5:19-21).
Why did Christ Jesus undergo death and shed His blood?
While we were still sinners, still far from God, and were His enemies, Christ Jesus died for us, so revealing God’s love and enabling us to be reconciled to God through His death (cf. Romans 5:8-11).
God made Him who was without sin to become sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
In Christ He was reconciling people to Himself, not holding against them an account of their misdeeds (cf. II Corinthians 5:19-21).
After Adam’s fall did God abandon man whom He had created?
No. God continued to seek him.
He called Adam and said, “Where are you?”
He asked Cain, “Where is your brother, Abel?” (cf. Genesis 3:9, 4:9).
After this God kept on seeking man, and carried on the work of man’s redemption, constantly awaited man’s reconciliation with Him and man’s reconciliation with man.
The Bible’s revelation is a history of God’s search for man, of God’s redemption of man, right up to the time when He Himself will dwell with men, when there will be no more death, nor mourning, nor crying, nor pain, and all things will be made new (cf. Revelation 21:1-5).
After Adam’s fall did God abandon man whom He had created?
No. God continued to seek him.
He called Adam and said, “Where are you?”
He asked Cain, “Where is your brother, Abel?” (cf. Genesis 3:9, 4:9).
After this God kept on seeking man, and carried on the work of man’s redemption, constantly awaited man’s reconciliation with Him and man’s reconciliation with man.
The Bible’s revelation is a history of God’s search for man, of God’s redemption of man, right up to the time when He Himself will dwell with men, when there will be no more death, nor mourning, nor crying, nor pain, and all things will be made new (cf. Revelation 21:1-5).
How did mankind’s first ancestor, Adam, fall?
Satan used a snake to tempt Adam and his wife Eve, and they chose to disobey God’s command by eating the fruit of the tree which God had forbidden them to eat, which distinguished good from evil (cf. Genesis 2:16-17).
Once man had sinned he lost his harmonious relationship with God, and consequently the relationship between man and his fellow man was no longer harmonious (cf. Genesis 3:1-19, 4:1-15).
How did mankind’s first ancestor, Adam, fall?
Satan used a snake to tempt Adam and his wife Eve, and they chose to disobey God’s command by eating the fruit of the tree which God had forbidden them to eat, which distinguished good from evil (cf. Genesis 2:16-17).
Once man had sinned he lost his harmonious relationship with God, and consequently the relationship between man and his fellow man was no longer harmonious (cf. Genesis 3:1-19, 4:1-15).
How are we to understand that man was created in God’s image?
Chiefly this refers to man’s being created in accordance with God’s nature, that is to say, God’s love, His justice and purity, His wisdom, knowledge and free will.
The Bible describes God’s likeness as “true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24).
After the fall of Adam, even though all men had sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, mankind still had the ability to seek God, to know Him and to love Him.
They still had the ability to distinguish right and wrong, and the desire to seek truth, righteousness and purity.
There is still a relationship of love between one person and another (cf. Romans 2:14-15, 3:23).
How are we to understand that man was created in God’s image?
Chiefly this refers to man’s being created in accordance with God’s nature, that is to say, God’s love, His justice and purity, His wisdom, knowledge and free will.
The Bible describes God’s likeness as “true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24).
After the fall of Adam, even though all men had sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, mankind still had the ability to seek God, to know Him and to love Him.
They still had the ability to distinguish right and wrong, and the desire to seek truth, righteousness and purity.
There is still a relationship of love between one person and another (cf. Romans 2:14-15, 3:23).
How was man created?
According to the Bible, man was created by God using the dust of the earth, but he was also created in the image of God (cf. Genesis 1:26).
God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, so that he became a spiritual being.
Hence the Bible refers to man as the glory of God, because man was God’s masterpiece in creation (cf. I Corinthians 11:7).
How was man created?
According to the Bible, man was created by God using the dust of the earth, but he was also created in the image of God (cf. Genesis 1:26).
God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, so that he became a spiritual being.
Hence the Bible refers to man as the glory of God, because man was God’s masterpiece in creation (cf. I Corinthians 11:7).