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How should one treat a copy of the Bible?
The Bible records the words of God. We must value the Bible and love it.  We must not regard the Bible as something magical, and we should never use it as a means of exorcism. 
How should one treat a copy of the Bible?

The Bible records the words of God. We must value the Bible and love it. 

We must not regard the Bible as something magical, and we should never use it as a means of exorcism. 

What attitudes should one guard against in reading the Bible?
(a) One must not quote it out of context, but allow the whole of Scripture to speak to him.  (b) One must not twist the Scriptures according to one’s private interpretation, but should rightly divide the Word of God.  (c) When something is not understood, one must not vainly attempt to twist the meaning.  (d) Do not stick to the letter, but interpret according to the essential meaning, because “the letter kills, but the spirit gives life”(cf.ⅡTimothy 2:15; ⅡPeter 1:20, 3:16; ⅡCorinthians 3:6).
What attitudes should one guard against in reading the Bible?

(a) One must not quote it out of context, but allow the whole of Scripture to speak to him. 

(b) One must not twist the Scriptures according to one’s private interpretation, but should rightly divide the Word of God. 

(c) When something is not understood, one must not vainly attempt to twist the meaning. 

(d) Do not stick to the letter, but interpret according to the essential meaning, because “the letter kills, but the spirit gives life”(cf.ⅡTimothy 2:15; ⅡPeter 1:20, 3:16; ⅡCorinthians 3:6).

What attitude should one have in reading the Bible?
(a)    One must love God’s Word, read and think about it constantly. (b)   One must conscientiously obey God’s Word. (c)    One must make God’s Word one’s food, and from it draw nourishment for one’s spiritual life (cf. Psalm 1:2, 119:97; Matthew 4:4; Jeremiah 15:16). (d)   One must search with an open mind, and discover new light and inspiration (cf. Matthew 7:7-8, 11:25).
What attitude should one have in reading the Bible?

(a)    One must love God’s Word, read and think about it constantly.

(b)   One must conscientiously obey God’s Word.

(c)    One must make God’s Word one’s food, and from it draw nourishment for one’s spiritual life (cf. Psalm 1:2, 119:97; Matthew 4:4; Jeremiah 15:16).

(d)   One must search with an open mind, and discover new light and inspiration (cf. Matthew 7:7-8, 11:25).

What kind of book is the Bible?
The Bible comprises the Christian sacred scriptures.  It is God’s revelation to mankind.  It contains teachings about God’s love for the world in providing Christ, the life of salvation for mankind.  The Bible is divided into two main sections. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.  “Testament ” refers to the covenant God has established with men.  “The Old Testament” denotes the covenant which God established in the beginning with his chosen people, Israel. Then, because the Israelites rejected the covenant and sinned, God, gave His only beloved Son, who suffered death and shed His blood to redeem the world, and so established a new covenant with mankind. That is why the original covenant is called the Old Testament and renewed one is called the New Testament.  However, the New Testament does not cancel the Old Testament, but fulfills it. 
What kind of book is the Bible?

The Bible comprises the Christian sacred scriptures. 

It is God’s revelation to mankind. 

It contains teachings about God’s love for the world in providing Christ, the life of salvation for mankind. 

The Bible is divided into two main sections. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. 

“Testament ” refers to the covenant God has established with men. 

“The Old Testament” denotes the covenant which God established in the beginning with his chosen people, Israel. Then, because the Israelites rejected the covenant and sinned, God, gave His only beloved Son, who suffered death and shed His blood to redeem the world, and so established a new covenant with mankind.

That is why the original covenant is called the Old Testament and renewed one is called the New Testament. 

However, the New Testament does not cancel the Old Testament, but fulfills it. 

Why should we read the Bible?
Reading the Bible enables us:  (a)To receive life through believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (cf. John 5:39, 20:31). (b)To gain knowledge of salvation. (c)To understand doctrine, and receive reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness.  (d)To be complete and equipped for every good work (cf.ⅡTimothy 3:15-17).
Why should we read the Bible?

Reading the Bible enables us: 

(a)To receive life through believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (cf. John 5:39, 20:31).

(b)To gain knowledge of salvation.

(c)To understand doctrine, and receive reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. 

(d)To be complete and equipped for every good work (cf.ⅡTimothy 3:15-17).

How should one regard the content of the Bible?
All the Bible is inspired by God (ⅡTimothy 3:16), with men speaking God’s words as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (ⅡPeter 1:21).  The Bible is our standard for belief and practice. It is the nourishment for our spiritual life.
How should one regard the content of the Bible?

All the Bible is inspired by God (ⅡTimothy 3:16), with men speaking God’s words as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (ⅡPeter 1:21). 

The Bible is our standard for belief and practice. It is the nourishment for our spiritual life.