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The Lord Jesus performed many signs and miracles. Why did He sometimes rebuke or evade those who asked for signs?
On the one hand, there were the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who were fundamentally incapable of believing that Jesus was Messiah when they saw the miracles. Therefore, Jesus rebuked them and refused to give them a sign (Matthew 16:1-4).  On the other hand, there were those who sought Jesus because they ate the loaves and were filled. Jesus was unwilling to give them another sign, because they sought Him purely to satisfy their bodily needs and not because they were seeking living bread, the words of eternal life (cf. John 6:24-36, 68).  Still more important, the primary mission of the Lord Jesus, who had been sent to earth in the name of the Father, was to preach the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven, rather than to drive out demons and heal the sick (cf. Luke 4:40-44). 
The Lord Jesus performed many signs and miracles. Why did He sometimes rebuke or evade those who asked for signs?

On the one hand, there were the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who were fundamentally incapable of believing that Jesus was Messiah when they saw the miracles. Therefore, Jesus rebuked them and refused to give them a sign (Matthew 16:1-4). 

On the other hand, there were those who sought Jesus because they ate the loaves and were filled. Jesus was unwilling to give them another sign, because they sought Him purely to satisfy their bodily needs and not because they were seeking living bread, the words of eternal life (cf. John 6:24-36, 68). 

Still more important, the primary mission of the Lord Jesus, who had been sent to earth in the name of the Father, was to preach the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven, rather than to drive out demons and heal the sick (cf. Luke 4:40-44). 

Did Jesus remain in the grave after He died and was buried?
 No. On the third day after His death He rose from the dead. Because He is the Son of God, He is the Lord of life and could not be held fast by death (cf. Romans 1:3-4; Acts 2:24).  After the Lord Jesus was raised to life, He appeared a number of times to the disciples (cf.ⅠCorinthians 15:3-8; Matthew 28:8-20; Mark 16:9-20; Luke 24:13-50; John 20:11-21:23).  During the space of forty days He spoke to the disciples concerning the Kingdom of God (cf. Acts 1:3-5). Afterwards Jesus ascended to heaven and sat at the right hand of the Father (cf. Romans 8:34; Colossians 3:1; Hebrews 1:3).  Christ was raised for our justification, and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep (cf. Romans 4:25;ⅠCorinthians 15:20).  He lives now forever to intercede for us (cf. Hebrews 7:25).
Did Jesus remain in the grave after He died and was buried?

 No. On the third day after His death He rose from the dead. Because He is the Son of God, He is the Lord of life and could not be held fast by death (cf. Romans 1:3-4; Acts 2:24). 

After the Lord Jesus was raised to life, He appeared a number of times to the disciples (cf.ⅠCorinthians 15:3-8; Matthew 28:8-20; Mark 16:9-20; Luke 24:13-50; John 20:11-21:23). 

During the space of forty days He spoke to the disciples concerning the Kingdom of God (cf. Acts 1:3-5). Afterwards Jesus ascended to heaven and sat at the right hand of the Father (cf. Romans 8:34; Colossians 3:1; Hebrews 1:3). 

Christ was raised for our justification, and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep (cf. Romans 4:25;ⅠCorinthians 15:20). 

He lives now forever to intercede for us (cf. Hebrews 7:25).

Why was Jesus crucified?
The Lord Jesus was crucified by the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, because the Jewish chief priests and Pharisees brought a false accusation against him.  He was without sin, but He died in order to bear our sins, so that we having died to sin might live to righteousness (cf.ⅠPeter 2:24).
Why was Jesus crucified?

The Lord Jesus was crucified by the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, because the Jewish chief priests and Pharisees brought a false accusation against him. 

He was without sin, but He died in order to bear our sins, so that we having died to sin might live to righteousness (cf.ⅠPeter 2:24).

How did Jesus regard the Law of Moses?
He came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it (cf. Matthew 5:17).  He made higher demands on His disciples (cf. Matthew 5:21-28), and He summarized the Law in these two commandments: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind”, and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (cf. Matthew 22:37-40).
How did Jesus regard the Law of Moses?

He came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it (cf. Matthew 5:17). 

He made higher demands on His disciples (cf. Matthew 5:21-28), and He summarized the Law in these two commandments: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind”, and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (cf. Matthew 22:37-40).

What example did the Lord Jesus leave us when He lived on earth as a man?
The main points are as follows: (a) When He was on earth the Lord Jesus carried out the orders of His heavenly Father and glorified the name of His heavenly Father (cf. John 15:10, 12:28, 17:4). He wants us in the same way to obey the Father’s commands and to glorify His name (cf. Matthew 28:20; John 14:21; Matthew 5:16; John 15:8). (b) His love and compassion for men, His hatred of evil and His righteous indignation, manifested the Father’s love and righteousness. He taught us that we are to be perfect, as the heavenly Father is perfect (cf. Matthew 5:48). (c) He wishes us to be humble and serve others, because He Himself came to earth ‘not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many’ (cf. Matthew 20:28).
What example did the Lord Jesus leave us when He lived on earth as a man?

The main points are as follows:

(a) When He was on earth the Lord Jesus carried out the orders of His heavenly Father and glorified the name of His heavenly Father (cf. John 15:10, 12:28, 17:4). He wants us in the same way to obey the Father’s commands and to glorify His name (cf. Matthew 28:20; John 14:21; Matthew 5:16; John 15:8).

(b) His love and compassion for men, His hatred of evil and His righteous indignation, manifested the Father’s love and righteousness. He taught us that we are to be perfect, as the heavenly Father is perfect (cf. Matthew 5:48).

(c) He wishes us to be humble and serve others, because He Himself came to earth ‘not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many’ (cf. Matthew 20:28).

Jesus preached “the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven”. What is the meaning of these words?
'The Kingdom of Heaven' refers to Kingship and Lordship of God.  God is the Lord of human history, and He wishes to rule in men’s hearts (Luke 11:2, 17:20-21).  The Good News of 'the kingdom of heaven' that Jesus proclaimed consisted of telling people the Good News that 'the kingdom of heaven is at hand', that the Father’s kingdom and the Father’s will were to be manifested and carried into effect on earth as they were in heaven (cf. Matthew 6:9-10).  The 'kingdom of heaven' also indicates the future kingdom of the world, as well as “'n everlasting kingdom' (Matthew 26:29; Psalm 145:13; Revelation 11:15).
Jesus preached “the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven”. What is the meaning of these words?

'The Kingdom of Heaven' refers to Kingship and Lordship of God. 

God is the Lord of human history, and He wishes to rule in men’s hearts (Luke 11:2, 17:20-21). 

The Good News of 'the kingdom of heaven' that Jesus proclaimed consisted of telling people the Good News that 'the kingdom of heaven is at hand', that the Father’s kingdom and the Father’s will were to be manifested and carried into effect on earth as they were in heaven (cf. Matthew 6:9-10). 

The 'kingdom of heaven' also indicates the future kingdom of the world, as well as “'n everlasting kingdom' (Matthew 26:29; Psalm 145:13; Revelation 11:15).

What is the meaning of “the Word became flesh”?
'The word' refers to the Son who was with the Father in the beginning, and 'the Word became flesh' is the equivalent of 'God manifested in the flesh', 'taking human form' (cf.ⅠTimothy 3:16; Philippians 2:7-8).  That is to say, the heavenly, spiritual God, invisible to human eyes, became the earthly, material, corporal man, Jesus Christ.  Therefore, Jesus Christ possessed the perfect divine nature and also perfect human nature.
What is the meaning of “the Word became flesh”?

'The word' refers to the Son who was with the Father in the beginning, and 'the Word became flesh' is the equivalent of 'God manifested in the flesh', 'taking human form' (cf.ⅠTimothy 3:16; Philippians 2:7-8). 

That is to say, the heavenly, spiritual God, invisible to human eyes, became the earthly, material, corporal man, Jesus Christ. 

Therefore, Jesus Christ possessed the perfect divine nature and also perfect human nature.

How did Jesus Christ come to earth as a man?
Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.  He was born in Bethlehem of Judea more than 1,900 years ago.  He grew up in Nazareth in Galilee. As a young man He was a carpenter.  The Bible records very little about His early days.  Luke’s Gospel records that He listened to teachings in the Temple and that He was obedient to his parents.  Luke sums this up by saying, “Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man” (cf. Luke 2:41-52).
How did Jesus Christ come to earth as a man?

Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. 

He was born in Bethlehem of Judea more than 1,900 years ago. 

He grew up in Nazareth in Galilee. As a young man He was a carpenter. 

The Bible records very little about His early days. 

Luke’s Gospel records that He listened to teachings in the Temple and that He was obedient to his parents. 

Luke sums this up by saying, “Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man” (cf. Luke 2:41-52).

Who is Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ is the only begotten beloved Son of God the Father, and is the second person of the Trinity.  He shares in the divine nature and is co-equal with God. He was in the beginning with God, and was One with the Father.  All things were made by Him.  He is the true God and eternal life (cf. John 1:1-3:18, 10:30; Philippians 2:6; ⅠJohn 5:20).
Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ is the only begotten beloved Son of God the Father, and is the second person of the Trinity. 

He shares in the divine nature and is co-equal with God.

He was in the beginning with God, and was One with the Father. 

All things were made by Him. 

He is the true God and eternal life (cf. John 1:1-3:18, 10:30; Philippians 2:6; ⅠJohn 5:20).

What things should we pay special attention to when we pray?
(a) We should make our requests in accordance with God’s will, and allow God’s will to be accomplished in our lives, not making inappropriate requests in accordance with our own will (cf. Matthew 26:39-42, 20: 20-23). (b) We should pray wholeheartedly and sincerely to our Father in secret, and not be hypocrites to be seen of men (cf. Matthew 6:5-6). (c) We should have a humble attitude, not considering ourselves to be righteous (cf. Luke 18:9-14). (d) We should ask in faith, without doubting (cf. Matthew 21:22; Hebrews 11:6; James 1:6).  (e) When we pray for the sick, we must not forbid them to see a doctor or use medicine (cf.ⅠTimothy 5:23; Luke 5:31; Colossians 4:14).
What things should we pay special attention to when we pray?

(a) We should make our requests in accordance with God’s will, and allow God’s will to be accomplished in our lives, not making inappropriate requests in accordance with our own will (cf. Matthew 26:39-42, 20: 20-23).

(b) We should pray wholeheartedly and sincerely to our Father in secret, and not be hypocrites to be seen of men (cf. Matthew 6:5-6).

(c) We should have a humble attitude, not considering ourselves to be righteous (cf. Luke 18:9-14).

(d) We should ask in faith, without doubting (cf. Matthew 21:22; Hebrews 11:6; James 1:6). 

(e) When we pray for the sick, we must not forbid them to see a doctor or use medicine (cf.ⅠTimothy 5:23; Luke 5:31; Colossians 4:14).

Should we pray for other people?
The Bible teaches us that “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men” (ⅠTimothy 2:1). “All men” here includes both those who are our brothers and sisters in the Lord, our own flesh and blood, and the people of every nation. We are to pray for the Church, and for the peace and prosperity of our country, as well as for the non-believers, peace of the world and the progress of mankind.
Should we pray for other people?
The Bible teaches us that “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men” (ⅠTimothy 2:1). “All men” here includes both those who are our brothers and sisters in the Lord, our own flesh and blood, and the people of every nation. We are to pray for the Church, and for the peace and prosperity of our country, as well as for the non-believers, peace of the world and the progress of mankind.
What sort of things should we pray for?
We should first pray for God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, and pray that God’s will should be carried out on earth as it is in heaven (cf. Matthew 6:33, 9-13).  In addition, we should thank God because our heavenly Father has provided us with food, clothing and other necessities.  We should confess our sins before God and ask for His forgiveness (cf.ⅠJohn 1:8-10).  We should also ask our heavenly Father to direct our daily life and work, enabling us to have the mind of Christ, so that our behavior may be in accordance with our Christian calling, and that in all things God’s name may be glorified.
What sort of things should we pray for?

We should first pray for God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, and pray that God’s will should be carried out on earth as it is in heaven (cf. Matthew 6:33, 9-13). 

In addition, we should thank God because our heavenly Father has provided us with food, clothing and other necessities. 

We should confess our sins before God and ask for His forgiveness (cf.ⅠJohn 1:8-10). 

We should also ask our heavenly Father to direct our daily life and work, enabling us to have the mind of Christ, so that our behavior may be in accordance with our Christian calling, and that in all things God’s name may be glorified.