On March 6, 2019, the day of Ash Wednesday, all students and faculty of Jiangxi Bible School gathered in the school auditorium to attend the First Day Worship in 2019 Lent.
At 7:30 a.m., the worship service for Ash Wednesday kicked off, consisting of introduction to rites, Sermon, Prayer, Liturgy of the Word, Penitential Rites, Imposition of Ashes, and Commission.
After the confession prayer, the congregation stepped forward in turns. Rev. Hong Shuyong left the mark of a cross by placing ashes on their foreheads according to ancient rites.
Rev. Hong exhorted the congregation to “repent, and believe in the Gospel for you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. Then the service ended up in the commission and benediction given by Rev. Hong Shuyong.
Ash Wednesday falls on the first day of Lent and symbolizes the forthcoming Passion Week and Easter. 40 days ahead of Easter, the date of Ash Wednesday is not fixed, ranging from February 2 to March 3.
On this day, the church holds a service for Ash Wednesday, burns palm fronds from the previous Palm Sunday and places ashes on the foreheads of church members as a symbol of repentance. As an ancient tradition in church, it is more than simply a ritual. It is also a reminder for Christians to be humble and repent sincerely at all times.