Led by Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, a 12-person delegation of the Youth Mission of Peace from the United Methodist Church visited CCC&TSPM on July 18, 2019.
Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong, associate general secretary of China Christian Council (CCC), and other staff members had a friendly dialogue with the delegates and presented them with such information as the development of the Church in China, the indigenization and contextualization of Christianity in China, theological education, social services, media ministries, etc.
The delegates showed great interest in the progress achieved by the Church in China, and would like to know about the ways being carried out by CCC&TSPM for social services and the current status of such projects, about how to perform the cross-denominational union worship and the current age ratio of Christians, etc.
Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong and other staff members replied the questions, and particularly introduced the projects that religious groups engaged in giving support to the poverty stricken areas in Sandu Shui Ethnic Autonomous County, South Qian City, Guizhou Province, which was initiated by the State Administration of Religious Affairs.
The delegation appreciated the ways of social service projects being done by the Church in China without agenda attached and felt graceful to see the unity achieved by the Church in China. Bishop Hee-Soo Jung expected to deepen mutual understanding and enhance the friendship between one another via the reciprocal visit.
At last, the two sides exchanged gifts and took group photos.