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Rev. Geng Weizhong Receives Delegation from China Partner
2024-05-14 Source: this site

At ten o’clock on the morning of May 8, 2024, Rev. Erik Burklin led a two-person delegation from China Partner (CP) to visit CCC&TSPM. Rev. Geng Weizhong, Residential Vice President of CCC, Ms. Gu Jingqin, Interim Chief of the Overseas Relations Department, and other staff received the guests.


Rev. Geng Weizhong sincerely welcomed the visit of the CP delegates, and conveyed greetings from the leadership of CCC&TSPM. Rev. Erik Burklin congratulated Rev. Geng on being elected as the residential vice president of CCC since last December. He then gave an overview of the basic situation of CP.


Rev. Geng introduced the guests to the three important phases of the Church in China since the 1950s, especially mentioning the vital importance of the Chinanization of Christianity. Rev. Geng said that the Chinese society and church in the 21st century experienced different problems and challenges from those of the last century. It was hoped that the friendship established by the predecessors of both organizations could be passed down, demonstrating new stories of the Church in China in this new phase and new context.


During the meeting, the two sides exchanged ideas about their ministries, challenges facing the Church in China, etc. Rev. Erik Burklin said that CP will always be supportive to the Church in China and willing to share the real testimonies of Chinese churches with the international community to honor God and benefit the people.

Translator & editor: Bei Feng