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HKCCCU Visits Chongqing Churches
2024-06-06 Source: this site

From May 13 to 15, 2024, a 13-member delegation from the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (HKCCCU), led by Chairperson Rev. Chung Kin Kai, visited the churches in Chongqing.

Rev. Xu Lunsheng, Chairperson of Chongqing TSPM, introduced to the delegation the basic situation of Chongqing CC&TSPM, their active exploration in the Chinanization of Christianity in recent years, and the ongoing efforts in strict church governance across the municipality. The HKCCCU delegation introduced their main work focuses in recent years and stated that the visit aimed to strengthen ties with mainland churches and deepen the exploration and practice of the Chinanization of Christianity.

During the visit, the delegation toured the Holy Love Church and Jiangbei Gospel Church in Yuzhong District, speaking highly of the innovations in pastoral models, practices in the Chinanization of Christianity, standardized church management and good testimonies. The delegation also visited the Exhibition Room for the Chinanization of Christianity in Chongqing and the Training Center in Chongqing to grasp a basic understanding of the development of Christianity in Chongqing at various stages. They also expressed the willingness to support theological education training, the construction of a research center for the Chinanization of Christianity and libraries, etc.

Both sides had discussions on topics of mutual concerns in an equal and friendly manner. They looked forward to continuing in-depth exchanges and cooperation in pastoral management, the Chinanization of Christianity, and social services in the future.

Translator & editor: Bei Feng