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HKCC Delegation visits CCC&TSPM
2024-07-19 Source: this site

On the morning of June 26, 2024, a 19-person delegation from Hong Kong Christian Council (HKCC) visited CCC&TSPM. They were warmly greeted by Rev. Xu Xiaohong, Chairperson of National TSPM, and Rev. Wu Wei, President of CCC. Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong, Vice President and General Secretary of CCC, moderated the meeting. Rev. Geng Weizhong, Residential Vice President of CCC, Ms. Gu Jingqin, Interim Chief of Overseas Relations Department, and other staff participated in the reception.

Representing CCC&TSPM, Rev. Xu Xiaohong extended a warm welcome to the delegation. He recalled last year’s seminar on the Chinanization of Christianity, which was jointly hosted by CCC&TSPM and HKCC in Hong Kong SAR. The event not only deepened the mutual understanding of the churches in the mainland China and Hong Kong, but also strengthened emotional ties.

He underscored that adhering to the Three-Self Principles and the Chinanization of Christianity is a God-blessed path for Chinese churches. Rev. Xu hoped that churches in the mainland of China and Hong Kong would maintain their unique characteristics, and it is expected to see frequent exchanges between the two sides.

After reminiscing about the former interactions with HKCC, Rev. Wu Wei shared the situation of the church in the mainland of China, as well as the pandemic-induced challenges. Rev. Wu briefed on the development course of the Chinanization of Christianity, stating that the adherence to the Chinanization in the socialist society under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the right path to take. Its goal is to make Christianity in China become a positive force in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and contribute to the country’s development.

On behalf of the delegation, Rev. Wong Ga Fai, expressed gratitude for the warm reception and the sharing from CCC&TSPM. He gave a brief introduction to HKCC and mentioned that last year’s seminar on the Chinanization of Christianity was an excellent opportunity for exchange between the churches in the two places. Rev. Wong expected more Chinanization-related activities that they could learn from their mainland counterparts.

Mr. Chen Zetao, Vice Minister of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong SAR, was also present, who emphasized the importance of the reciprocal visit in reflecting the strong wish and good atmosphere for mutual learning. It is hoped to avail of this opportunity to deepen the understanding of the development of the churches in the mainland of China and facilitate the friendly cooperation between the churches in the two places.

After the meeting, the guests visited the Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Grace Telling Bookshop.

Translator & editor: Bei Feng