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CCC&TSPM Receives Delegation from Trinity Theological College
2024-09-26 Source: this site

On 10 September 2024, a delegation of five, including Rev. Dr. Edwin Tay, Principle of Trinity Theological College (TTC) in Singapore, visited CCC&TSPM. They were welcomed by Rev. Xu Xiaohong, Chairperson of National TSPM, Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong, Vice President and General Secretary of CCC, and Rev. Geng Weizhong, Residential Vice President of CCC, and other staff. Rev. Geng Weizhong presided over the meeting.

Rev. Xu Xiaohong welcomed the TTC delegation. Rev. Xu reviewed the longstanding friendship and cooperation between the Church in China and TTC over the years, and expressed gratitude for TTC’s support of the theological education in Chinese churches. In addition to the introduction to the basic situation of the Church in China and ministries such as the Chinanization of Christianity, Rev. Xu stressed the necessity of enhancing talent cultivation in the future, particularly in cultivating research personnel with strong academic capabilities to meet the needs of the development of the Church in China.

Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong briefed on the theological education of the Church in China. She mentioned that its goal was to nurture highly qualified and well-educated talents, while progressively Chinanizing teaching materials and expanding library resources.

Rev. Dr. Edwin Tay shared updates on the development at TTC in recent years, including the impact of the pandemic, the continuation of offline teaching, the recruitment of new faculty members, and the improvement of teaching facilities, etc. Academic Dean Rev. Dr. Lim Teck Peng highlighted the ecclesiastical and academic nature of the TTC, saying that the college would continue to welcome Chinese seminarians.

Finally, the sides expressed the mutual hope for further exchanges and cooperation in theological education in the future.

After the meeting, the delegation visited the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Translator & editor: Bei Feng