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NJUTS Conducts a Service Following the Lima Liturgy
2019-12-02 Source: this site

On the morning of November 3, 2019, Nanjing Union Theological Seminary (NJUTS) conducted a Sunday service that followed the ecumenical Lima Liturgy.


The Lima Liturgy originated from a liturgical document signed by World Council of Churches in 1982 for the worship of the ecumenical church.


The worship service was presided over by Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong, dean of NJUTS. Rev. Luo Mingjia, visiting professor of systematic theology in NJUTS, gave a sermon.

With prolusion playing and the congregation standing, the Scripture reader held a cross and walked into the temple, resembling that people follow Jesus Christ and His cross and come to worship God.



During the liturgy of the Word, the sermon “The Everlasting Salvation” given by Rev. Luo Mingjia revealed the meanings of “liturgy”, “Eucharist”, and “Sacrifice”, telling the congregation that Jesus Christ is the everlasting salvation. They can be part of the everlasting salvation through Eucharist in connection with Jesus Christ.


During the Holy Communion, the congregation walked in turns towards the podium receiving bread and vine with thanksgiving and awe. In the intercession, they quietly wrote down what they prayed for and then handed over to the staff members orderly to pray together.


In the end, Rev. Dr. Lin gave the benediction to the congregation and led the liturgy of commissioning.



After the service, a cross was held in front of the clergies leaving before the congregation. This resembled Jesus Christ leading the congregation to practice His teaching and become the testimony of the Lord.


As a part of the ecumenical church, the Church in China should not only preach the Word of God, but also observe the holy liturgy that can express the invisible grace of God in a visible way.


In a post-denominational and post-modernism era, there is a lack of sanctity, sacramentality, mystery and historicity of worship. Classical liturgies of worship can make up for the deficiencies of the contemporary church.


This Lima liturgy featured service is welcomed by the congregation, and can let them feel the fellowship with God during the service, which is beneficial for building up their faith.