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Beijing Chaoyang Church

Beijing Chaoyang Church was built on September 12, 2005, and it was officially open on December, 2005. It carries out a series of ministries including establishing Chaoyang Youth Fellowship, Sunday School, Poetry Class, Simultaneous Interpretation Group, Volunteer Group, Editorial Group, and etc. Each fellowship performs its own duties, in boosting to the growth of the entire church. It also serves not only to enrich the life of believers, but also the spiritual life of church staff and members.



Youth gatherings are on Fridays from 6: 00 to 8:30 pm. The fellowship consists of a group of young believers who love the Lord and are willing to accept Christ. It is the ideal place for the congregation of young believers. During traditional festivals (such as Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival), the Youth fellowships are always active and eager to get involved in many activities.


Sunday School is for the convenience of the believers. By reading Bible stories, singing hymns and dancing, it adds spice to children's Sunday life, pass on God's love, and help them develop a healthy outlook on life and values.


The choir serves on Sunday worship, Easter and Christmas and other large events to praise and spread the gospel of Christ. The choir also participates in weddings and funerals in the church.



The Simultaneous Interpretation Group is responsible for translating and interpreting Sunday cult. There is a demand for translating and interpreting because many foreign residents live near the church and they come to the congregation on Sundays.  


The Volunteers Group is hosting the work of the disciples and the security at the Sunday reception. They are believers with long and pure faith, and burning heart, and they are willing to commit themselves to Christ and to serve all believers.


Chaoyang editing group was established in 2005. The text group publishes an internal leaflet of the ‘Threshing Ground’ once a week.