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Lutheran Theological Seminary visits CCC&TSPM
2019-06-21 Source: this site

On June 6, 2019, Rev. Wu Wei, president of China Christian Council (CCC) received an eighteen-people delegation from Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS). The two sides had a friendly exchange over the indigenization and contextualization of Christianity in China and theological education.



Rev. Wu extended welcome towards the guests, and also gave thanks to LTS for the support in theological education over the past few years.


Dr. Simon Chow reviewed the exchanges between LTS and CCC. On behalf of the seminary, he expressed gratitude to CCC&TSPM for all the support and hoped that the two sides would continue to maintain a friendly partnership between each other.



From the aspects of enrollment range, curriculum setting and current challenges, Rev. Dr. Lin Manhong, associate general secretary of CCC introduced to the guests the development of theological education of the church in China. Rev. Wu Wei shared the ongoing ministries in churches in relation to the indigenization and contextualization of Christianity in China.


Afterwards, Dr. Simon Chow presented the development of LTS, as well as a new major in social caring and serving and the counseling center.



The two sides then exchanged ideas regarding the interpretation of “the indigenization and contextualization of Christianity in China”, seminary enrollment, social service, etc.


At last, the guests visited Holy Trinity Church. Both sides exchanged gifts and took group photos.